
Cynthia Heimel. With her dangerously witty (the titles of her past columns and books include; If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?, Im PC, you're a dickhead and If you leave, can I come too?) and thought-provoking columns as a writer for the New Yorkian newspaper The Village Voice as well as for the quintessential men's magazine Playboy (Hitting from the inside? She was fired out of concern that her feminist remarks would not go down well with male readers) should easily make her a real-life Carrie Bradshaw.

In her column Nice Girls Don't Read Romances, she examines the interesting question as to who actually reads romancing novels (or Harlequin romances as they're also known as due to publishing giant; Harlequin Entreprises Ltd). Come to think of it, who hasn't wondered when waiting in line to pay at the counter of the local grocery shop? There they are, next to the more mainstream titles off of the best seller's list, these novels with cheesy and sometimes ridiculous art work displaying the backside of a bulky male, passionately embracing his woman, with amusing titles which sound like they were scripted by the niftiest of kids in a poerty work shop at school (How about; Quiet Walks the Tiger, Liar's Moon, Tender Deception or Tempestous Eden?)

Heimel shares with readers her initial assumptions on who the targeted group is, before reading one herself: Trashy women. The women who are always wearing housedresses or polyester pantsuits when out and who will drool in the subway or at airports over doll-like women with raven black hair (they always have raven hair it seems), long legs, high breasts and tiny wastes getting ravished by the rugged hands of a brooding man. Heimel concludes by outing her own friends as readers of the romance novel and by confessing to getting it (read: the glory of the romancing novel) Could it be one of those do-but-not-talk-about-things?  

Heimel offers her own discription of the genre as; "masturbation books" or  "romance pornography" and consequently  also includes the differences as she sees them between men's and women's pornography. In this so called "romance pornography" the women crave their men to be honourable, to have valor, social standanding and morality and there is also a focus on beautiful locations, wheras in men's pornography it will basically suffice if the women just have "tits" and "beg for it". 

Apart from excerpts of this genre in question I'm denying any familiarity with it, but who knows what summer has in store?


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